I deeply enjoy reading the short homilies that Thomas รก Kempis wrote seven hundred years ago in "The Imitation of Christ." Each page is richly filled with wisdom for people of any age, culture, belief, status or position
"With the prophet Samuel, I humbly and earnestly plead, 'speak Lord, for your servant is listening.' Do not let Moses speak to me or any of the prophets, but rather you speak, Lord God, the inspirer and giver of light to all the prophets. You alone, without them, can instruct me perfectly. They without you can be of no benefit to me.
"They indeed speak the words, but they cannot give the Spirit. They speak most beautifully, but if you are silent, they cannot kindle the heart.
"They teach the letter, but you open the meaning; they bring forth mysteries, but you open the true understanding of their signs. They declare the commandments, but you enable us to obey them. They show the way, but you give the strength to walk in it. They work from outside, but you instruct and enlighten within the heart.
"They water, but you give the increase. They cry aloud in words, but you give understanding of the words that are heard."
Wallowa Mts above the Imnaha River Canyon |