Friday, December 14, 2012

The Routeburn Track, Day Two

Meg and I and our small group of hikers left the Mackenzie Lake Lodge midmorning on the second day of our hike.  We hiked through red birch forest until we reached the open country above the lake.  Then the trail continued upwards, far above the Hollyford River which flowed into the Pacific Ocean barely visible in the distance. Lunch was at Harris Saddle, a divide that separated the peaks between us and Milford Sound and Harris Lake, out of which the Routeburn flows.  Vistas were as vast as the day before, and each step, a moment of wonder.

Above Lake Mackenzie

Harris Saddle

Mackenzie Lake

Ocean Peak and Emily Peak

Maori onion

Mt Cook Lily, really a buttercup

Mt Lyttle

Trail out of Mackenzie Lake

Routeburn Falls Lodge and river valley below

Meg hiking through birch forest in hopes of Hobbits


  1. Kia ora Eric. These pictures make me homesick for the South Island. Ataahua (beautiful)!

  2. Yes, Mawera, I can see why you miss South Island. On our next visit, Meg and I plan to rent a camper van again and hang out in the Glenorchy and the Mt Cook country :)
