Have you ever noticed a moth, a fly, a bee, or other insect flying up against a glass window inside your home? Recently in New Zealand, as I was coming back from my morning devotions and opening the glass door into Matt and Teresa's home, I saw a small moth flying against the inside of the glass. As I released it to the outside--the environment for which it was created and destined--I thought about our human condition.
Is our physical life in reality a flight/fight against the glass window constraints of this earthly world? Isn't it true--as we think of how temporary our pleasures, our achievements, our lives really are--that we sense we were created for something more? That in our heart of hearts, our soul of souls, we know our real life begins after this one, that indeed we are spirit contained in a limited physical body that will someday be released to join our Creator.
Shell Beach, Ohope, North Island, NZ |
Three Sisters Beach, North Island, NZ |
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