In August of 1958, my father took our family to Yellowstone in our trailer. He showed me how to set it up and take care of things, and then took the bus from West Yellowstone to the Presidio for three weeks of Army reserve training. At age 15, as the oldest child, I got to be "the man of the family." I taught my mother how to fish, and she excitedly caught three cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. After fifty years, the memories are still strong.
With stops, West Yellowstone is a twelve hour drive from La Grande, Meg and I have taken Matt and Michael to the Park many times. I call it the "Disneyland of the Outdoors" because of the multiple geologic features and the wide range of outdoor activities.
It is a special place to show visitors. Although Meg was not able to go with us, Jasmine, Marshal and I had a great trip from June 11 through June 15. We stayed in a two bedroom log cabin at a KOA outside of West Yellowstone and made daily trips into the Park. They enjoyed the vastness and the variety of the scenery. They were deeply appreciative to be there, and I enjoyed sharing their enthusiasm and their learning.
Can't wait to see more pictures. We went through Yellowstone last September as we moved from Michigan to Oregon. I had been as a child, but my husband had not. Our daughters (ages 3 and 5) still talk about all the things we saw.