Succor Creek and Leslie Gulch, located in the far SE corner of Oregon, blend much of the "look" found at better known Zion and Bryce Canyons. The formations, particularly in Leslie Gulch, are whimsical, reminding one of Disneyland's iconic castle. The geology is largely volcanic tuffs, ash that has been cemented together in the heat of an eruption. There is a state park campground at Succor Creek. Leslie Gulch offers primitive off road camping along the gravel road that leads to excellent fishing at the Owyhee Reservoir. In the spring, the grass is green and filled with colorful wildflowers--a visual delight complemented by the melodic voices of meadowlarks, chukar, and an occasional canyon wren.
With its cathedral like walls and spires, Leslie Gulch is a great place to focus on God's majesty--they simply ARE, nothing more, nothing less. As Oswald Chambers writes in his May 18 commentary in "My Utmost for His Highest,"
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin”— they simply are! Think of the sea, the air, the sun, the stars, and the moon— all of these simply are as well— yet what a ministry and service they render on our behalf! So often we impair God’s designed influence, which He desires to exhibit through us, because of our own conscious efforts to be consistent and useful. Jesus said there is only one way to develop and grow spiritually, and that is through focusing and concentrating on God."
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