Seventeen Scouts, ages ten and half to eighteen, along with seven adults, spent three days rafting the Grande Ronde river this past Friday through Sunday. We rented five boats. The river was low, slow, and challenging.-- lots of obscured rocks that needed to be maneuvered around and between. However, all went well and the boys learned about "reading" the river, and rowing.
They cooked dutch oven meals for both dinner and breakfast. We had four cooking groups and the boys did a wonderful job working together. Their cooperation and collegiality was a joy to behold. They were supportive of each other, and the few conflicts were minor. This is the third river trip we have done in the past four years. I have enjoyed watching boys grow into young men.
Grande Ronde River, Friday campsite |
Grande Ronde River, Wallowa County |
Grande Ronde River, Troy, Wallowa County |
Powwatka bridge |
Enjoying a great dutch over chicken and rice meal Friday night along the Grande Ronde river |
Saturday night dutch over dinner: chili and corn bread |
Maneuvering past the Red Rock on the Wallowa river, which later joins the Grande Ronde |